Review www.burningmisery.comNice fucking addition for the deathmetal freaks and I'm sure you going to like this stuff. See the band section here on Burning Misery and listen to some mp3 files that we have placed on it. Good shit this is guys!!! Review FYU MetalzineFrom track one, a heavy pounding, inevitably crushing metalengine rolls onward for over thirty minutes. The band blends chunky, powerful deathmetal brutality (old school style!) with the razorsharp and speedy essence of thrash. Despite the usual up-tempo drive, there are parts which have a strong atmosphere-laden touch to it, and the few breakdowns are a flawless addition to the relentless machine. Not as intense as pure thrash (because they aren't) but certainly very interesting as a deathmetal band with snappy swipes to thrashmetal. Neatly produced and finished for being a self-release; cool stuff. 83/100 Review www.supremebrutality.netThe quartet plays deathrash, but with the majority of the focus on the death metal side of things. The band is inspired by bands like Protector, Slayer and Death. You notice a few references to the aforementioned now and then, but nothing that deprive The Damnation of their sound. The songs are diverse and well-written. The unit sure knows how to write some music that stay interesting for more than just two listens. A part of this is that the Germans have found a good balance between the fast and the more mid-tempo orientated in the songs. Into the Pits of Hell was recorded at Soundlodge Studios by Jörg Uken. This proves to have been a wise decision as the music has gotten a crisp and powerful sound. It goes really well with the style that The Damnation has. Of course the effort may not burst of new-thinking, but don't let this hold you back there's plenty of interesting things going on to make it a durable release. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the Germans get picked up by a label. This is simply too good to ignore. Review www.alternative-zine.comFormed in 1996, there's no denying the band's playing
ability and sound professionalism, and the excellent opener "Step
Aside" is a great example just how good they can sound. It's in the
more simplistic moments, such as some in "Torn To Pieces" that
boredom can set in. The band's goes into another killing frenzy with the more sophisticated "Past", the rhythm and riff changes are a nice addition. The parts where they lost me are in the more simplistic cuts, such as "Into The Pits Of Hell" where there's no real hooks. This isn’t overly original, but I must tip my hat for these guys for sticking to their guns and creating strong oldschool death metal while most current death bands go for the usual melodic approach, they certainly grasp that true 90's feel with their music, and the fact this release has a definite air of quality about it only helps. Review www.metal-observer.comTHE DAMNATION plays an unmistakeable mixture of Thrash and Death Metal. There is an overweight of Thrash influences but the Death Metal gets a fair piece of the action as well. As in the heavy, double bass thundering passage with some really nice Death Metal riffs that occurs every now and then. They still have some work to do in mending the two genres seamlessly together but knowing this is their debut full-length album, after just two demos, makes me have high hopes for them. The sound quality also deserves to be mentioned. It’s good and also pretty loud, giving us forty minutes of Metal with an impact. For those who prefer filth baked into the mix I recommend other bands as the production on “Into The Pits Of Hell” is pretty clean and slick. I think it’s far from sterile but I guess that depends on which eyes, or rather ears, it gets treated to. My opinion is that the band has made a good choice of studios as the production helps and enhances the whole of their music. Both the Thrash and Death Metal riffs sound equally good, whenever they are good that is. Pretty damn often I would say. What holds “Into The Pits Of Hell” back from getting an even higher score is first and foremost because there are some bland and uninspired riffing going on, making up passages that just drifts along. I think its called filler material. Secondly it’s because there is not only passages that are uninteresting, some of the songs are as well. As a whole I think the album is good but I’m expecting more from this band the next time I hear from them. Somehow I think they will fulfil the hopes I have for them. I spot unmistakable talent in this band. That means that people who like a mix of Thrash and Death Metal should take notice of this band and start downloading right away. “The Knife” is one of my favourite songs on this album so don’t hesitate to check it out. Pay their homepage a visit as well if you want to download some of their older stuff. I’ll be surprised if this band isn’t able to land a record deal very soon. The quality standard of Metal isn’t too high for these guys, no way. (Online September 24, 2006) Review www.voicesfromthedarkside.deChristoph Göbel |
Review www.wallsoffire.deReview www.metal-district.deReview www.met@llic.deReview www.metal.deReview www.bright-eyes.deReview www.vampster.deReview Fatal Underground No. 18 |